Center for World Christian Studies
CWCS is a bridge between North Park Theological Seminary and Serve Globally’s international network of partners. CWCS provides training, scholarships, internship opportunities, and intercultural development assessments for students, global personnel, churches, and related ministry organizations.
How We Engage in God’s Mission
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. – Acts 1:8
Missional Resources
Home Culture

Mission begins at home. Jerusalem represents the culture we most are familiar with. God’s work starts with each of us as beloved, called, and gifted. “God does both the making and the saving. He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does, the work he has gotten ready for us to do” (Eph 2:9-10, The Message). As God’s handiwork, you have a specific role to fulfill within God’s mission in the place where you are now. Your closest family and friends are your first opportunity to show what God has done and is doing in your own life. Want to learn more about self-awareness in preparation for joining God’s mission?
Involvement Opportunities
Judea and Samaria
Near-Neighbor Cultures

There are near-neighbor cultures all around us. Judea and Samaria represent cultures geographically close to us but culturally distinct. While we may come from different backgrounds, we are now in close proximity in our local communities. We may have children in the same schools, we may work and shop together. We share some common concerns. There are ways that we are related one to another that can be both challenging and enriching. God was the originator of the diversity that we live with today. Acts 17:27 says that God created all ethnicities and cultures so that we would seek, reach out, and find God. Want to know more about how you can grow together in ministry with those in near-neighbor cultures?
Involvement Opportunities
Ends of the Earth
Global Cultures

Are you sensing something within yourself that desires to reach out beyond your home or near-neighbor cultures? Perhaps God is inviting you to consider a significant move to use your gifts, talents, and abilities internationally. Invitations to participate with God’s work in other countries outside of your own are opening in new locations all the time. Serve Globally has partnerships in regions around the world. Want to investigate further your sense of call and explore possibilities of global service?