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Love Mercy Do Justice Features

Holding the Tension

Sanetta Ponton, pastor of justice, advocacy, and compassion at Metro Community Church in Englewood, New Jersey, reminds us that the story of the African American experience is worthy to be told.

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We Seek Racial Righteousness

Covenant historian Hauna Ondrey and Dominique Gilliard join us to talk about the end of the 1960s, the Black Manifesto, the Covenant’s unique response to this call to white churches and synagogues—and where we witness similar themes in our culture today.

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Facing Grim History

The Canada Conference of the Covenant Church responds to and acknowledges the role of the church after the discovery of the remains of Indigenous children from residential schools.

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Agents of Change

The Companion talked with Vickie Reddy, the assistant director of the School of Restorative Arts, about her vision for SRA students and the new site.

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