Adventures with God Curriculum

Adventures with God was first developed as El Pacto con Dios by the Evangelical Covenant Church. It has emerged as a significant international curriculum used extensively throughout the Spanish-speaking world. For the first time we are making this free children’s curriculum available to you in English.

Scope and Sequence

It is the first fully scoped and sequenced three-year curriculum to be offered for free: a curriculum that focuses on our relationship with God through the Word of God and explores the entire scope of God’s Story.

We have also provided a place for you to share your own adaptations at the bottom of each curriculum block download page. Ultimately Adventures with God will maintain its solid biblical core and yet become a curriculum resource shaped by you and others like you who have a passion for joining children on their spiritual journey with Christ.

We encourage you to share how you have adapted each session for your church. Our prayer is that this curriculum will be of help as you walk with children in their lifelong adventure with God.

Year 1 – Download

Year 2 – Download

Year 3 – Download

Block A (ages 3-5) Years 1-3

Block A: Year 1

The goal of this session is to help children foster a relationship with God. They will learn that God created the world and all that is in the world and will understand how to take care of the wonderful world that God made. They’ll give thanks to God for all that he made in creation.

Title – Download
Intro – Download
Index – Download
Week 1: Before Creation (A.1.FALL.1)- Download
Week 2: God Made the Light (A.1.FALL.2) – Download
Week 3: God Made the Sky and the Clouds (A.1.FALL.3) – Download
Week 4: God Made the Earth and the Sea (A.1.FALL.4) – Download
Week 5: God Made the Plants (A.1.FALL.5) – Download
Week 6: God Made the Sun, Moon, and Stars (A.1.FALL.6) – Download
Week 7: God Made the Fish and Birds (A.1.FALL.7) – Download
Week 8: God Made the Animals (A.1.FALL.8) – Download
Week 9: God Made a Human (A.1.FALL.9) – Download
Week 10: Man is Alone in the Garden (A.1.FALL.10) – Download
Week 11: God Made a Woman (A.1.FALL.11) – Download
Week 12: The Man and Woman in the Garden (A.1.FALL.12) – Download

The goal of this session is to help children foster a relationship with God. They’ll explore the first years in Jesus’ life and how people responded to his arrival. They’ll also express thanks to God for their great friend Jesus.


Title – Download
Intro – Download
Index – Download
Week 1: An Angel Talks with Mary (A.1.Winter.1) – Download
Week 2: An Angel Talks with Joseph (A.1.Winter.2) – Download
Week 3: Angels Speak to the Shepherds(A.1.Winter.3) – Download
Week 4: The Shepherds Tell What They Saw (A.1.Winter.4) – Download
Week 5: Jesus Meets Simeon (A.1.Winter.5) – Download
Week 6: Jesus Meets Simeon (A.1.Winter.6) – Download
Week 7: A Journey to Egypt (A.1.Winter.7) – Download
Week 8: A Birthday Party (A.1.Winter.8) – Download
Week 9: Life in Nazareth (A.1.Winter.9) – Download
Week 10: Life in Nazareth (A.1.Winter.10) – Download
Week 11: Life in Nazareth (A.1.Winter.11) – Download
Week 12: A Trip to Jerusalem (A.1.Winter.12) – Download
Week 13: Jesus in the Temple (A.1.Winter.13) – Download


The goal of this session is to help children foster a relationship with God. They will learn that God created the world and all that is in the world and will understand how to take care of the wonderful world that God made. They’ll give thanks to God for all that he made in creation.


Title – Download
Intro – Download
Index – Download
Week 1: God Gave Me a Body (A.1.SPRING.1)- Download
Week 2: God Gave Me a Body (A.1.SPRING.2) – Download
Week 3: God Gave Me a Body (A.1.SPRING.3) – Download
Week 4: God Gave Me a Body (A.1.SPRING.4) – Download
Week 5: God Gave Me a Family (A.1.SPRING.5) – Download
Week 6: God Gave Me a Family (A.1.SPRING.6) – Download
Week 7: God Gave Me Friends (A.1.SPRING.7) – Download
Week 8: God Gave Me Friends (A.1.SPRING.8) – Download
Week 9: God Gave Me the Church (A.1.SPRING.9) – Download
Week 10: God Gave Me the Church (A.1.SPRING.10) – Download
Week 11: God Gave Me a Best Friend in Jesus (A.1.SPRING.11) – Download
Week 12: God Gave Me a Best Friend in Jesus (A.1.SPRING.12) – Download
Appendix – Download

Block A: Year 2

The goal of this session is to become true friends of God, as many of the children were in the Old Testament. We’ll also learn that God will help each of us live to be the great person he has made us.

Title – Download
Intro – Download
Index – Download
Week 1: Samuel (A.2.FALL.1)- Download
Week 2: Samuel (A.2.FALL.2) – Download
Week 3: David, the Shepherd (A.2.FALL.3) – Download
Week 4: David, the Future King (A.2.FALL.4) – Download
Week 5: David, the Conquerer (A.2.FALL.5) – Download
Week 6: Naaman’s Servant (A.2.FALL.6) – Download
Week 7: Joseph, the Loved Son (A.2.FALL.7) – Download
Week 8: Joseph, the Hated Brother (A.2.FALL.8) – Download
Week 9: Joseph, the Friend of the King (A.2.FALL.9) – Download
Week 10: Joseph, a Forgiving Brother (A.2.FALL.10) – Download
Week 11: Maria, the Caring Sister (A.2.FALL.11) – Download
Week 12: Josiah, the Child King (A.2.FALL.12) – Download

The goal of this session is to learn different ways that they can show they are followers of Jesus: loving God above all things, loving others, giving, obeying, following God, etc.


Title – Download
Intro – Download
Index – Download
Week 1: Follow God (A.2.WINTER.1)- Download
Week 2: Love God (A.2.WINTER.2) – Download
Week 3: Love Others (A.2.WINTER.3) – Download
Week 4: Obey God (A.2.WINTER.4) – Download
Week 5: Obey God (A.2.WINTER.5) – Download
Week 6: Give God Thanks (A.2.WINTER.6) – Download
Week 7: Give to Others (A.2.WINTER.7) – Download
Week 8: Help Others (A.2.WINTER.8) – Download
Week 9: Help Others (A.2.WINTER.9) – Download
Week 10: Help Others (A.2.WINTER.10) – Download
Week 11: Share Jesus with Others (A.2.WINTER.11) – Download
Week 12: Share Jesus with Others (A.2.WINTER.12) – Download
Week 13: Forgive Others (A.2.WINTER.13) – Download

The goal of this session is to help children foster a relationship with God. Children will learn that our lives are in the hands of God, who cares, protects, and comforts us in times of need. They will learn about the relationship we have with God and his love for us.

Title – Download
Intro – Download
Index – Download
Week 1: God Is Our Good Father (A.2.SPRING.1)- Download
Week 2: God Gives Us A Chance To Give (A.2.SPRING.2) – Download
Week 3: God Gave Isaac A Wife (A.2.SPRING.3) – Download
Week 4: God Gives Wisdom  (A.2.SPRING.4) – Download
Week 5: God Provided Food To Travelers (A.2.SPRING.5) – Download
Week 6: God Gave Water To Thirsty Traveler (A.2.SPRING.6) – Download
Week 7: God Gives Us A Path Through The Sea (A.2.SPRING.7) – Download
Week 8: God Gives Victory (A.2.SPRING.8) – Download
Week 9: God Helped Family Escape (A.2.SPRING.9) – Download
Week 10: God Gave A Sad Woman A Baby (A.2.SPRING.10) – Download
Week 11: God Saved Three Children From Danger (A.2.SPRING.11) – Download
Week 12: God Saved Daniel From The Lions (A.2.SPRING.12) – Download
Week 13: God Provided A Savior (A.2.SPRING.13) – Download

Block A: Year 3

The goal of this session is to learn that students can serve God with joy using the gifts and abilities he has them given. We’ll also learn practical ways in which they can serve others in the name of Christ the honor of God.

Title – Download
Index – Download
Introduction – Download
Week 1: Mary Served God (A.3.FALL.1)- Download
Week 2: Elizabeth Served God (A.3.FALL.2) – Download
Week 3: Joseph Served God (A.3.FALL.3) – Download
Week 4: The Angels Served God (A.3.FALL.4) – Download
Week 5: The Shepherds Served God (A.3.FALL.5) – Download
Week 6: The Wisemen Served God (A.3.FALL.6) – Download
Week 7: Ana and Simeon Served God (A.3.FALL.7) – Download
Week 8: The Disciples of Jesus Served God (A.3.FALL.8) – Download
Week 9: Other Friends of Jesus Served God (A.3.FALL.9) – Download
Week 10: Mark Served God (A.3.FALL.10) – Download
Week 11: Luke Served God (A.3.FALL.11) – Download
Week 12: Dorcas Served God (A.3.FALL.12) – Download
Week 13: I Serve God (A.3.FALL.13) – Download

The goal of this session is to help children foster a relationship with God, and recognize that all gifts from God are a token of his love. We will help children understand that God loves us so much that he gave us the most precious gift, his Son, Jesus Christ.

Title – Download
Intro – Download
Index – Download
Week 1: Earth is a gift from God (A.3.Winter.1) – Download
Week 2: Animals are a gift from God (A.3.Winter.2) – Download
Week 3: Water is a gift from God(A.3.Winter.3) – Download
Week 4: My community is a gift from God (A.3.Winter.4) – Download
Week 5: My school is a gift from God (A.3.Winter.5) – Download
Week 6: My friends are a gift from God (A.3.Winter.6) – Download
Week 7: My neighbors are a gift from God (A.3.Winter.7) – Download
Week 8: Public servants are a gift from God (A.3.Winter.8) – Download
Week 9: My family is a gift from God (A.3.Winter.9) – Download
Week 10: My parents are a gift from God (A.3.Winter.10) – Download
Week 11: My siblings are a gift from God (A.3.Winter.11) – Download
Week 12: Jesus is the greatest gift from God (A.3.Winter.12) – Download
Week 13: Love is a gift from God (A.3.Winter.13) – Download

The goal of this session is to encourage children to foster a relationship with God. Children will come to understand that God has been communicating with humans since the creation of the world through face to face interactions, and other forms. They will learn that today, one of the ways God communicates with us is through the Bible.

Title – Download
Intro – Download
Index – Download
Week 1: The Word of God Revealed In Nature (A.3.SPRING.1)- Download
Week 2: The Word of God Written In Our Conscience (A.3.Spring.2) – Download
Week 3: The Word of God Written On Stones (A.3.SPRING.3) – Download
Week 4: God Spoke To Abraham (A.3.SPRING.4) – Download
Week 5: God Spoke To Moses (A.3.SPRING.5) – Download
Week 6: God Spoke Through Moses (A.3.SPRING.6) – Download
Week 7: God, An Angel, and Gideon (A.3.SPRING.7) – Download
Week 8: God Speaks My Language (A.3.SPRING.8) – Download
Week 9: Where Is It Written? (A.3.SPRING.9) – Download
Week 10: How to Study the Bible 1 (A.3.SPRING.10) – Download
Week 11: How to Study the Bible 2 (A.3.SPRING.11) – Download
Week 12: How to Study the Bible 3 (A.3.SPRING.12) – Download
Week 13: We Are Open Letters (A.3.SPRING.13) – Download

Block B (ages 6-8) Years 1-3

Block B: Year 1

The goal of this session is to help children foster a relationship with God. They will learn that God is faithful when we follow and obey him and learn how to follow God when God talks through the Bible. They’ll study the life of Noah, who demonstrated at all times his true faith in God and obeyed God.

Title – Download
Intro – Download
Index – Download
Week 1: The Time After Adam and Eve (B.1.FALL.1)- Download
Week 2: The World of Noah (B.1.FALL.2) – Download
Week 3: Noah, An Honorable Man (B.1.FALL.3) – Download
Week 4: Noah is Called by God (B.1.FALL.4) – Download
Week 5: Noah and the Ark (B.1.FALL.5) – Download
Week 6: Noah Warns the People (B.1.FALL.6) – Download
Week 7: Noah Gathers the Animals (B.1.FALL.7) – Download
Week 8: Noah and the Flood (B.1.FALL.8) – Download
Week 9: Noah and the Ark Arrive on Land (B.1.FALL.9) – Download
Week 10: Noah Waits for the Earth to Dry (B.1.FALL.10) – Download
Week 11: Noah Leaves the Ark (B.1.FALL.11) – Download
Week 12: Noah Praises God (B.1.FALL.12) – Download
Week 13: The Tower of Babel (B.1.FALL.13) – Download

The goal of this session is to help children foster a relationship with God. They’ll learn that Jesus is always with us, no matter where we are, how old we are, or the circumstances we find ourselves in. They’ll respond to God’s care with confidence and security.

Title – Download
Intro – Download
Index – Download
Week 1: Jesus is With Me All the Time (B.1.Winter.1) – Download
Week 2: Jesus is With Me All Night (B.1.Winter.2) – Download
Week 3: Jesus is With Me When I’m Happy (B.1.Winter.3) – Download
Week 4: Jesus is With Me When I Have Problems (B.1.Winter.4) – Download
Week 5: Jesus is With Me Wherever I Go (B.1.Winter.5) – Download
Week 6: Jesus is With Me All the Time (B.1.Winter.6) – Download
Week 7: Jesus Will Be With Me All My Life (B.1.Winter.7) – Download
Week 8: Jesus is With Me Everywhere (B.1.Winter.8) – Download
Week 9: Jesus is With Me When I’m Far Away (B.1.Winter.9) – Download
Week 10: Jesus is With Me When I’m Tempted (B.1.Winter.10) – Download
Week 11: Jesus is With Me All My Life (B.1.Winter.11) – Download
Week 12: Jesus is With Me Now and Forever (B.1.Winter.12) – Download
Week 13: Jesus Came to Be With Us (B.1.Winter.13) Special Christmas Session – Download
My Grow Adventure – More here

The goal of this session is to help children foster a relationship with God. They’ll experience the love of God, manifest in their bodies, families, friends, church, and the Savior that God has given us. They will respond to God’s love and demonstrate it to others.


Title – Download
Intro – Download
Index – Download
Week 1: The Son of God (B.1.SPRING.1)- Download
Week 2: The Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem (B.1.SPRING.2) – Download
Week 3: Jesus in the Temple (B.1.SPRING.3) – Download
Week 4: The Widow and Her Offering (B.1.SPRING.4) – Download
Week 5: The Last Supper (B.1.SPRING.5) – Download
Week 6: In the Garden (B.1.SPRING.6) – Download
Week 7: The Trial (B.1.SPRING.7) – Download
Week 8: The Crucifixion (B.1.SPRING.8) – Download
Week 9: The Resurrection (B.1.SPRING.9) – Download
Week 10: The Road to Emmaus (B.1.SPRING.10) – Download
Week 11: Jesus With His Disciples (B.1.SPRING.11) – Download
Week 12: The Ascension (B.1.SPRING.12) – Download
Week 13: The Disciples After the Ascension (B.1.SPRING.12) – Download

Block B: Year 2

In this session, children will grow closer to God, study the lives of people who chose to be followers of God in the Old Testament, learn to identify and assess ethical and moral qualities of brave followers of God to imitate those examples in their lives, and acknowledge that living with God and for God is not easy. We may struggle and become frustrated at times but assure children that God loves them and struggling is part of growing as one of God’s brave followers.

Title – Download
Intro – Download
Index – Download
Week 1: Heroes (B.2.FALL.1)- Download
Week 2: Joshua and Caleb (B.2.FALL.2) – Download
Week 3: Joshua (B.2.FALL.3) – Download
Week 4: Joshua and Rahab (B.2.FALL.4) – Download
Week 5: Gideon (B.2.FALL.5) – Download
Week 6: Gideon (B.2.FALL.6) – Download
Week 7: Deborah (B.2.FALL.7) – Download
Week 8: Samson’s Mother and Father (B.2.FALL.8) – Download
Week 9: Samson (B.2.FALL.9) – Download
Week 10: Esther (B.2.FALL.10) – Download
Week 11: Esther (B.2.FALL.11) – Download
Week 12: Esther (B.2.FALL.12) – Download

The goal of this session is to study Jesus’ teachings about the kingdom of God, as well as the love, forgiveness and will of the Father. Students will also learn that to obey these teachings brings us joy.

Title – Download
Intro – Download
Index – Download
Week 1: Jesus Talked About a Special Kingdom (B.2.Winter.1) – Download
Week 2: People in God’s Kingdom are Blessed (B.2.Winter.2) – Download
Week 3: People in God’s Kingdom Will Receive a Reward (B.2.Winter.3) – Download
Week 4: People in God’s Kingdom are Salt and Light (B.2.Winter.4) – Download
Week 5: People in God’s Kingdom Know how to Love Others (B.2.Winter.5) – Download
Week 6: People in God’s Kingdom Give with Joy (B.2.Winter.6) – Download
Week 7: People in God’s Kingdom Can Communicate with God (B.2.Winter.7) – Download
Week 8: People in God’s Kingdom Know Where to Save Their Treasures (B.2.Winter.8) – Download
Week 9: People in God’s Kingdom Seek God (B.2.Winter.9) – Download
Week 10: People in God’s Kingdom Don’t Judge Others (B.2.Winter.10) – Download
Week 11: People in God’s Kingdom Treat Others with Love (B.2.Winter.11) – Download
Week 12: People in God’s Kingdom Are Known for Their Deeds (B.2.Winter.12) – Download
Week 13: People in God’s Kingdom Build on the Rock (B.2.Winter.13) – Download
My Grow Adventure – More here

The goal of this session is to help children foster a relationship with God. They will learn about the beginning of the Christian church and the story of the first disciples. They will also feel a part of the local church and the global church – the body of Christ.

Title – Download
Intro – Download
Index – Download
Week 1: The Foundation Of The Church (B.2.SPRING.1)- Download
Week 2: Waiting For The Promise (B.2.SPRING.2) – Download
Week 3: Pentecost (B.2.SPRING.3) – Download
Week 4: Preaching The Gospel (B.2.SPRING.4) – Download
Week 5: Life In The Family Of God (B.2.SPRING.5) – Download
Week 6: Life In The Family Of God (B.2.SPRING.6) – Download
Week 7: Miracles (B.2.SPRING.7) – Download
Week 8: Everything In Common (B.2.SPRING.8) – Download
Week 9: The Persecution of the Twelve (B.2.SPRING.9) – Download now
Week 10: Helpers For The Apostles (B.2.SPRING.10) – Download
Week 11: The Arrest And Death Of Stephen (B.2.SPRING.11) – Download
Week 12: Peter and Cornelius (B.2.SPRING.12) – Download

Block B: Year 3

In this session, children will learn about the important facets of Abraham’s life, including his faith and reputation as a friend of God. Based on the example of Abraham and Sarah’s life, children will learn to trust, believe and hope in the promises of God in their lives.

Title – Download
Intro – Download
Index – Download
Week 1: The Family and Faith of Abraham and Sarah (B.3.FALL.1) – Download
Week 2: Abraham, Sarah, and Their Faith Adventure (B.3.FALL.2) – Download
Week 3: Faith and Saying Good-bye to Haran (B.3.FALL.3) – Download
Week 4: The Faith of Abraham and Sarah and Their Praise to God (B.3.FALL.4) – Download
Week 5: Faith in a Strange Land (B.3.FALL.5) – Download
Week 6: Faith in a Moment of Decision (B.3.FALL.6) – Download
Week 7: Faith and the Promise of God (B.3.FALL.7) – Download
Week 8: Faith in a Moment of Crisis (B.3.FALL.8) – Download
Week 9: Faith When Facing Three Visitors (B.3.FALL.9) – Download
Week 10: Faith and the Salvation of Lot (B.3.FALL.10) – Download
Week 11: Faith is Rewarded With a Son (B.3.FALL.11) – Download
Week 13: Abraham and Sarah and Their Faith Offering (B.3.FALL.12) – Download
Week 12: Abraham and Sarah’s Faith is An Example to Follow (B.3.FALL.13) – Download

The goal of this session is to help children recognize some of the gifts they have received from God and learn to be thankful. They will learn to express their thanks verbally and in action.

Title – Download
Intro – Download
Index – Download
Week 1: My body is a gift from God (B.3.Winter.1) – Download
Week 2: My five sense are a gift from God (B.3.Winter.2) – Download
Week 3: My savior is a gift from God (B.3.Winter.3) – Download
Week 4: My abilities are a gift from God (B.3.Winter.4) – Download
Week 5: My “likes” are a gift from God (B.3.Winter.5) – Download
Week 6: My feelings are a gift from God (B.3.Winter.6) – Download
Week 7: My personality is a gift from God (B.3.Winter.7) – Download
Week 8: My relationships are a gift from God (B.3.Winter.8) – Download
Week 9: My past is a gift from God (B.3.Winter.9) – Download
Week 10: My present is a gift from God (B.3.Winter.10) – Download
Week 11: My future will a gift from God (B.3.Winter.11) – Download
Week 12: My eternal future will be a gift from God (B.3.Winter.12) – Download

The goal of this session is to learn about the life of Jesus Christ from Luke’s point of view. Children will discover the supernatural encounters that people experienced detailed in the book of Luke. Students will make personal decisions about following Jesus.

Intro – Download
Index – Download
Week 1: The doctor Luke (B.3.Spring.1) – Download
Week 2: John the Baptist (B.3.Spring.2) – Download
Week 3: Mary and her faith adventure (B.3.Spring.3) – Download
Week 4: The shepherds invited to Jesus birth (B.3.Spring.4) – Download
Week 5: Joseph, an obedient man (B.3.Spring.5) – Download
Week 6: Jesus, God’s helper in the middle of temptation (B.3.Spring.6) – Download
Week 7: The disciples, chosen helpers (B.3.Spring.7) – Download
Week 8: The powerful centurion, a helper with faith (B.3.Spring.8) – Download
Week 9: The widow who helped by receiving help (B.3.Spring.9) – Download
Week 10: The demon-possessed man helped by Jesus (B.3.Spring.10) – Download
Week 11: Jairus, the one who was patient (B.3.Spring.11) – Download
Week 12: Joseph of Arimathea (B.3.Spring.12) – Download
Week 13: A team of Jesus’ helpers (B.3.Spring.13) – Download

Block C (ages 9-11) Years 1-3

Block C: Year 1

The goal of this session is to help children foster a relationship with God. They will learn from the patience and care of God, even when the chosen people were not following in God’s ways. They’ll know the faithfulness of God in the lives of imperfect people. Decide to follow the perfect ways of God.

Title – Download
Intro – Download
Index – Download
Week 1: A Nation Subject to God (C.1.FALL.1)- Download
Week 2: Israel Asks for a Human King (C.1.FALL.2) – Download
Week 3: Saul (C.1.FALL.3) – Download
Week 4: God Rejects Saul (C.1.FALL.4) – Download
Week 5: God Chooses David (C.1.FALL.5) – Download
Week 6: Saul Tries to Kill David (C.1.FALL.6) – Download
Week 7: David Spares Saul’s Life (C.1.FALL.7) – Download
Week 8: The Death of Saul (C.1.FALL.8) – Download
Week 9: David is Declared King (C.1.FALL.9) – Download
Week 10: David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem (C.1.FALL.10) – Download
Week 11: God Makes a Covenant with David (C.1.FALL.11) – Download
Week 12: Solomon: David’s Successor (C.1.FALL.12) – Download
Week 13: Solomon the Wise Man (C.1.FALL.13) – Download
Appendix – Download

The goal of this session is to help children foster a relationship with God. They’ll learn that Jesus’ coming was part of God’s plan from the beginning. They’ll understand that God’s love is eternal and doesn’t change. God showed us love in a visible way in sending us his son.

Title – Download
Intro – Download
Verses – Download now
Illustrations – Download now
Index – Download
Week 1: The Prophets Told of Jesus Coming (C.1.Winter.1) – Download
Week 2: The Seed of a Woman (C.1.Winter.2) – Download
Week 3: Descendant of Abraham (C.1.Winter.3) – Download
Week 4: His Kingdom is Invisible (C.1.Winter.4) – Download
Week 5: The Place of His Birth (C.1.Winter.5) – Download
Week 6: The Time of His Birth (C.1.Winter.6) – Download
Week 7: Born of a Virgin (C.1.Winter.7) – Download
Week 8: Visitors from Far Away (C.1.Winter.8) – Download
Week 9: Flight to Egypt (C.1.Winter.9) – Download
Week 10: Suffering of Jesus (C.1.Winter.10) – Download
Week 11: Jesus Resurrection (C.1.Winter.11) – Download
Week 12: King of Kings (C.1.Winter.12) – Download
My Grow Adventure – More here

The goal of this session is to help children foster a relationship with God. They’ll become familiar with the events that took place in Jesus’ first year of ministry and the different reactions that the people had. They will allow the Holy Spirit to work in their lives, making real the things that Jesus taught and did.

Title – Download
Intro – Download
Index – Download
Week 1: John: The Precursor to Jesus (C.1.SPRING.1)- Download
Week 2: The Baptism of Jesus (C.1.SPRING.2) – Download
Week 3: The Temptation of Jesus (C.1.SPRING.3) – Download
Week 4: Jesus Looks for His Disciples (C.1.SPRING.4) – Download
Week 5: The First Miracle (C.1.SPRING.5) – Download
Week 6: Jesus in the Temple (C.1.SPRING.6) – Download
Week 7: Jesus with Nicodemus (C.1.SPRING.7) – Download
Week 8: The Water of Life (C.1.SPRING.8) – Download
Week 9: Ministry in Samaria (C.1.SPRING.9) – Download
Week 10: Jesus Heals a Child (C.1.SPRING.10) – Download
Week 11: The Imprisonment of John the Baptist (C.1.SPRING.11) – Download
Week 12: Jesus in Nazareth (C.1.SPRING.12) – Download

Block C: Year 2

In this session, children will learn to be faithful to God because throughout history God has been faithful to his people. They will learn that God promises love and care, even in the most difficult moments. They will learn that God will be faithful in your life and that God is a God of miracles.


Title – Download
Intro – Download
Index – Download
Week 1: Elijah Predicts the Drought (C.2.FALL.1)- Download
Week 2: Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath (C.2.FALL.2) – Download
Week 3: Elijah and the Prophets of Baal (C.2.FALL.3) – Download
Week 4: Elijah Flees to Horeb (C.2.FALL.4) – Download
Week 5: The Call of Elisha (C.2.FALL.5) – Download
Week 6: Elisha, Successor of Elijah (C.2.FALL.6) – Download
Week 7: Elisha Purifies Water (C.2.FALL.7) – Download
Week 8: Elisha and the Widow (C.2.FALL.8) – Download
Week 9: Elisha and Shunem’s Wife (C.2.FALL.9) – Download
Week 10: Elisha and Naaman (C.2.FALL.10) – Download
Week 11: Elisha and the Syrian (C.2.FALL.11) – Download
Week 12: Miracles (C.2.FALL.12) – Download
Appendix – Download

In this session, children foster a relationship with God. They’ll learn about the lives of the kings of Israel and Judah and will understand that each person is called to “Honor God and keep his commandments”.

Title – Download
Intro – Download
Index – Download
Week 1: The Road to Destruction (C.2.WINTER.1) – Download
Week 2: The People Ask for a Human King (C.2.WINTER.2) – Download
Week 3: The Division of the Kingdom (C.2.WINTER.3) – Download
Week 4: The Sins of Rehoboam and Jeroboam (C.2.WINTER.4) – Download
Week 5: Ahab, a Bad King for Israel (C.2.WINTER.5) – Download
Week 6: The Sins of Israel Lead Them Into Captivity (C.2.WINTER.6) – Download
Week 7: Asa, Good King of Israel (C.2.WINTER.7) – Download
Week 8: The Reforms of Jehosaphat (C.2.WINTER.8) – Download
Week 9: The Reign of Joash (C.2.WINTER.9) – Download
Week 10: The Reform of Hezekiah (C.2.WINTER.10) – Download
Week 11: God Forgives (C.2.WINTER.11) – Download
Week 12: Josiah Finds the Book of the Law (C.2.WINTER.12) – Download
Week 13: Reign and Fall of Jerusalem (C.2.WINTER.13) – Download

The goal of this session is to help children foster a relationship with God. They’ll become familiar with the events that took place in the locations where the apostles visited and shared the good news of Jesus. They’ll also discover that the commandment was not only given to the early church, but for all of God’s family. They will learn to be responsible to share the good news of Jesus with others.

Title – Download
Intro – Download
Index – Download
Week 1: John: The Great Commission (C.2.SPRING.1)- Download
Week 2: Pentecost (C.2.SPRING.2) – Download
Week 3: The First Persecution (C.2.SPRING.3) – Download
Week 4: The Gospel Message Spreads (C.2.SPRING.4) – Download
Week 5: The Conversion Of Saul (C.2.SPRING.5) – Download
Week 6: The Miraculous Escape (C.2.SPRING.6) – Download
Week 7: The First missionaries (C.2.SPRING.7) – Download
Week 8: The Second Persecution (C.2.SPRING.8) – Download
Week 9: The First Missionary Journey (C.2.SPRING.9) – Download
Week 10: The Second Missionary Journey (C.2.SPRING.10) – Download
Week 11: The Third Missionary Journey (C.2.SPRING.11) – Download
Week 12: The Journey To Rome (C.2.SPRING.12) – Download
Week 13: Paul, a Faithful Servant Of Jesus (C.2.SPRING.13) – Download

Block C: Year 3

In this session, children will learn about the lives of some true heroes of faith and explore what it means to be a hero in God’s kingdom. We hope that they would not only learn the stories and facts, but that they would come to understand that God has a plan for their lives and wants to use them. That they would be challenged and encouraged to trust in God and obey God when they are invited to participate in God’s mission.

Title – Download
Intro – Download
Index – Download
Week 1: Unexpected Heroes (C.3.FALL.1) – Download
Week 2: Abel, the Faith of a Hero (C.3.FALL.2) – Download
Week 3: Esau, the Forgiveness of a Hero (C.3.FALL.3) – Download
Week 4: Jochabed, the Hero Mother of a Hero (C.3.FALL.4) – Download
Week 5: Moses, the Calling of a Hero (C.3.FALL.5) – Download
Week 6: Caleb and Joshua, the Courage of Heroes (C.3.FALL.6) – Download
Week 7: Rahab, the Courage of a Hero (C.3.FALL.7) – Download
Week 8: Ehud, the Liberating Hero (C.3.FALL.8) – Download
Week 9: Deborah, the Liberating Hero (C.3.FALL.9) – Download
Week 10: Samson, the Hero Given a Second Chance (C.3.FALL.10) – Download
Week 11: Esther, the Actions of a True Hero (C.3.FALL.11) – Download
Week 12: The True Hero (C.3.FALL.12) – Download

The goal of this session is to help children foster a relationship with God, and recognize that all gifts from God are a token of his love. We will help children understand that God loves us so much that he gave us the most precious gift, his Son, Jesus Christ.

Title – Download
Intro – Download
Index – Download
Week 1: The gift of God in our lives (C.3.Winter.1) – Download
Week 2: The gift of God in our lives (C.3.Winter.2) – Download
Week 3: Gift, gifts, gifts (C.3.Winter.3) – Download
Week 4: The gift of the Power of God in our lives (C.3.Winter.4) – Download
Week 5: The gift of the Power of God in our lives (C.3.Winter.5) – Download
Week 6: The gift o the fullness of God in our lives (C.3.Winter.6) – Download
Week 7: The gift of the fruit of the Spirit (C.3.Winter.7) – Download
Week 8: The gift of the promises of God (C.3.Winter.8) – Download
Week 9: The gift of God’s forgiveness (C.3.Winter.9) – Download
Week 10: The gift of God’s protection (C.3.Winter.10) – Download
Week 11: The gift of God’s protection (C.3.Winter.11) – Download
Week 12: The gift of the provision of angels (C.3.Winter.12) – Download
Week 13: The gift of spiritual victory (C.3.Winter.13) – Download

The goal of this session is to learn that the Bible is God’s word, and is the perfect rule for faith and conduct for followers of Christ to adhere to. Children will also learn how to use the Bible in order to help them understand the Bible’s message. The word of God is daily food for each Christian.

Intro – Download
Index – Download
Week 1: The word of God revealed in nature (C.3.SPRING.1) – Download
Week 2: The word of God written in our conscience (C.3.SPRING.2) – Download
Week 3: The word of God written on stones (C.3.SPRING.3) – Download
Week 4: The word of God spoken by prophets (C.3.SPRING.4) – Download
Week 5: Christ the living Word (C.3.SPRING.5) – Download
Week 6: The word of God written in books (C.3.SPRING.6) – Download
Week 7: Two testaments and the historic bridge – The Deuterocanonical books (C.3.SPRING.7) – Download
Week 8: Where is it written? (C.3.SPRING.8) – Download
Week 9: How to study the Bible (C.3.SPRING.9) – Download
Week 10: How to study the Bible (C.3.SPRING.10) – Download
Week 11: How to study the Bible (C.3.SPRING.11) – Download
Week 12: We are open letters (C.3.SPRING.12) – Download

Lina Sánchez-Herrera

Chicago West Suburbs, Illinois

ECC Conference: Central
Gender: Female


Receiving New Directees: Yes
Directing Clergy: Yes
Client Genders: Both men and women
Skype or Facetime: Yes
Languages: English, Spanish
Retreat/Workshop Leader: Yes


C. John Weborg Center for Spiritual Direction, North Park Theological Seminary


Pastors/Church Leadership, Missionaries, University Students, Discernment Process, Transitions, Multi-Ethnic Issues, Second Half of Life, Prayer, Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius

Prior to moving to the USA, I was a professor at the National University of Colombia and served with the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students in Colombia for 16 years. Starting in 2001, I served as InterVarsity National Staff in the USA. I have a master’s degree in Christian Ministries, and I serve in Spiritual Direction to those who want to be fully present and available to God and receive His grace over them. My joy is to see professors and college students coming to know Jesus and being transformed into people that bring the good news of righteousness and justice to others.

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